Do I use A or AN? – When to use which one. Do I use A or AN? How can I remember which one to use? This can indeed be very annoying, even for a native English speaker but there is a … Weiterlesen
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Do I use A or AN? – When to use which one. Do I use A or AN? How can I remember which one to use? This can indeed be very annoying, even for a native English speaker but there is a … Weiterlesen
MASTER YOUR BUSINESS ENGLISH TELEPHONE SKILLS – Part 2 As mentioned in Part 1, Mastering Business English Telephone skills are vital, as we live in a competitive, fast-moving world and I cannot stress enough, the importance of having excellent English Telephone … Weiterlesen
MASTER YOUR BUSINESS ENGLISH TELEPHONE SKILLS Part 2 Mastering Business English Telephone skills are vital, as we live in a competitive, fast-moving world and I cannot stress enough, the importance of having excellent English Telephone Skills in your business. Remaining … Weiterlesen
Positive Contractions and Short Forms – Simple Chart A Contraction is basically a short form of a word or words and the missing letter is then replaced with an apostrophe. These can be a verb, a modal verb or an auxiliary … Weiterlesen
Plural of Irregular Nouns How to form the plural words Generally, the majority of English nouns form their plural by adding an -s (pencils, pens, books, papers) or by adding -es (boxes, foxes, classes, glasses) The plural of irregular nouns … Weiterlesen
Transform Auxiliary Verbs with “NOT” into its short form simple and easy In spoken English, we often use the short term of auxiliary verbs, especially in casual conversations. The short form is basically the conjugated or contracted version. A short … Weiterlesen
Easy Rules for forming COMPARATIVES – SUPERLATIVES Adjectives We use Comparatives and Superlatives forms of adjectives, when we make comparisons. Adjectives can compare two things or more than two things. Comparatives When you want to describe a noun (animals, people, … Weiterlesen
Homographen, Heteronyme, Homonyme und Homophone Eine Beschreibung dessen, was sie sind und die am häufigsten verwendeten HOMOGRAFIEN: Ein Wort, das gleich geschrieben ist Ein Wort mit einer anderen Bedeutung Ein Wort, das dasselbe Wort klingt 1. Beispiel / Bedeutung 2. Beispiel / Bedeutung… Weiterlesen
THERE oder THEIR oder THEY'RE Dies sind drei englische Wörter, die sehr oft missbraucht werden, und es kann ziemlich verwirrend sein zu verstehen, wann welches verwendet werden soll. Es ist jedoch sehr wichtig, die Unterschiede unterscheiden zu können… Weiterlesen